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Read to Resist: Build a Future Free from Oppression and Fear

Who Is Jalleh Doty

I have been writing for the last 10 yrs. I embarked on this odyssey as I have always been described as a person who's got something to say and have been described as creative and interesting by kirkus reviews. I am previous author or short stories and poetry and have been published by the iliad press and periodicals. I am a previous author as well writing my first book Poetry and Satire for the avante garde in 2007 which is a compilation of short stories, poetry and theories I got on life in 2007. I have published my first novel with Paricher Adli in 2015 called The Last Savior book 1 and reviews have come in that public loves it. So help take this journey with me as more books to show to the public. Thank you
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If you buy only one book this year on defending human dignity, let it be this one. A profound and accessible guide, it not only exposes the devastating effects of bigotry, intolerance, and discrimination, but also offers a clear, compassionate roadmap for change. Each chapter is a rallying cry for empathy and an unshakeable belief in our shared humanity. With concrete examples, compelling stories, and transformative insights, this book will leave you inspired, equipped, and more determined than ever to stand up for the rights of all. It’s a must-read for anyone who seeks to replace fear with hope and cruelty with kindness, and wants to take meaningful action toward a more just and inclusive world.

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	Frances Hampton
Frances Hampton
Amazon Reviewer
I really enjoyed the story. I could see how the Last Savior, (to give his name would ruin half the story for you), resembles Jesus. I really like how the life choices we are making become the problems of tomorrow. I could absolutely see how we are going in that direction. I found the story fascinating and am interested in where it will go in another book, (this one ends on a cliffhanger). I do have an issue with it. I don't believe English is the language it was originally written in. The translation was difficult to follow at times with problems in grammar and spelling. I would really like to see this book benefit from a good editor. As it is written, I feel some people will become frustrated and give up. The story deserves so much more. It is a truly an interesting tale.
Amy's Bookshelf Reviews
Amy's Bookshelf Reviews
Amazon Reviewer
It's a slow read, but it works for the story. It's pretty well written, and though it seems like it would be a modern day Savior story, it has some breakaways. I learned of this book when I was on the "Writer's Edge with McKensie Stewart" radio show, and the author was also on it. I was very intrigued to read it, and was honored that the author put in a request for me to read it. I don't usually read synopsis as it gives me preconceptions of the story, and sometimes more details that I want before reading a book. The book shows the world's status, all of its injustices, developing problems, and existing problems that its had for centuries. The book was worth the read, and this three-star review is a good review of the work. The story had a few minor pitfalls, such as being more about beliefs than the characters themselves, and probably should not have been so one-sided, but all in all, a good read.
Book Mom
Book Mom
Amazon Reviewer
The Last Savior is a tale of not only end of times perils, but also religious down fall, as well as society in general. I was given a copy of this book by the author in return for a honest review. Firstly, I found the cover art as not only beautiful, but very appealing to the eye. The story follows young Ilham in a world that has been torn apart by germ warfare, hate, crime, famine, religious dogmas, and other such end of times events. This young Muslim, raised with a Gnostic christian mother, and Muslim father is beaten, and raped in chapter one by military men. She is then saved at just the right moment by an angel from heaven. He takes her to hospital and leaves her there for care. While there poor Ilham must not only deal with the internal shame and guilt she feels from the sexual assault, but heal from the wounds the beating left her with. I found myself not only crying while reading this tale, but also knowing how the young girl must be feeling. My daughter to was a victim of sexual assault at this same age. The feelings of anger, guilt, hate and others still hurting her emotionally today. If this all wasn't enough of an awful turn of events the young girl also learns that she is now in turn also pregnant with one of her attackers baby. Being Muslim and a woman she is terrified of what will happen to her. Her father and brother, her only family left in this world, do not come to see her while in hospital. The girl is gripped with many emotions and turns to a friend of hers, Simon who works for The Red Cross. To make a long story short, her friend with the aid of nuns help her escape the country and go to Europe, Paris to be exact. Where she lives in a convent until she gives birth to twin boys. Ilhams character also has super powers. She is a healer as well as can read minds. Her babies in turn are also very, very special. During the birth chapter I was reminded of the tale of people gathering after Jesus was born. They traveled to the convent in this case before the children were born. Three important characters. A Doctor, a monk, and a reporter. All given visions of the convent and the feeling of urgently needing to be there. Basically the remainder of the story without too many more spoilers follows Ilham, the boys, and the other characters through mayhem, learning and healing. I would highly recommend this book to any and all readers. I personally was a bit worried about where the authors were going when I learned the main character was a Muslim young girl, but her faith is only in God, and not one religion.

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