“A Shout of ‘Black Power’ in a Queen-Loving Community.”


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An Extraordinary Journey of Resilience and Redemption
At Buy A Book, we love a story that explores the complexities of personal transformation—this gripping account of Garnett Myrie delivers all that and more. Born in the rural hills of St. Elizabeth, Jamaica, Garnett boldly declared his pride in being Black—much to the shock of his conservative neighbors who adored England’s Queen. His rebellious spirit led him from childhood escapades with cow-itch and scallions to a life-changing encounter with radical professor Dr. Walter Rodney.
Forced to flee to Cuba as a “persona non grata,” Garnett ultimately joined Fidel Castro’s army, fighting in Angola’s war for independence with unflinching conviction. Honored by both Castro and Angola’s first president, Garnett returned to Jamaica, becoming a thriving businessman, a father to a dozen children, and eventually confronting the challenges of diabetes and blindness. In his later years, he softened, repented his “bad boy” ways, and emerged as an influential, beloved leader and father figure.

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